About The Author

About The Author - Justin Simoni

Justin Simoni is a modern-day Renaissance Man. He is the creator and maintainer of Mojo Mail, as well as head of support, the supports site's (http://mojo.skazat.com) designer and web master and the author of this book. Self-taught in Perl, Flash, Actionscript, Javascript, HTML, Justin freelances as a Designer, Developer and Consultant under the name, Simoni Creative.

Justin goes to school at the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design ( http://rmcad.edu ), majoring in Drawing and Painting and finds the intense interaction between his left and right brains the drive of his life.

When he get's a chance, Justin skateboards as much as he can, writes fiction and poetry and drinks much too much swanky coffee.

Justin lives in Denver, Colorado and never ignores a knock at his door.

How This Book is Created

This book is primarily written in POD format, which is short for Plain Old Documentation. POD files are then run through a custom made Perl script and we get a book out of it.

Interestingly enough, a few of the Mojo Mail Libraries are used in the script that creates the book, so you could almost say that Mojo Mail is used to write a book on itself.

The Mojo Mail Magic Book Index

The Mojo Mail Magic book is Copyright © 2003 Justin Simoni