Setting Up Mojo Mail For Your Clients

Setting Up Mojo Mail For Your Clients

Mojo Mail can be an incredibly useful resource to setup for a client, if you're a part of a web design shop. For the most part, the interface is more user friendly than other related programs, such as Majordomo or Mailman.

A few things to consider:

Where are you going to install Mojo Mail?

You basically have two choices when installing Mojo Mail for a client. Either, you install a separate copy of Mojo Mail for each client's website, or, you install one copy of the program for all your clients.

The benefit of installing one copy for all your clients is ease of maintenance. Mojo Mail supports an unlimited number of lists, you might as well use this feature.

When Mojo Mail is upgraded, you only need to upgrade one copy of the program. that alone can save you hours of time. Having different versions of the program will lead to trouble if you're trying to debug a problem.

So, What Should I Do?

My advice would be to use a main installation point for most of your clients, and install individual copies when needed.

Customization Mojo Mail for Your Business

If you like Mojo Mail and want to make it a service to your clients, why not make it look like a service that you yourself provide and not an outside product? Make Mojo Mail your value added feature.

Change The Name of Mojo Mail

Changing Mojo Mail, to something like, ``Powermail Super Amazing 5000'' is as easy as changing a config variable. That variable is $PROGRAM_NAME

 $PROGRAM_NAME = 'Powermail Amazing 5000';

Every instance of ``Mojo Mail'' will be changed to my new mailing list manager, Powermail Amazing 5000.

Customizing the List Control Panel

Get Rid of Help Links

Some list control panel screens have links to the Mojo Mail support site to et further explain the screens presented.

You may find it in your best interest to remove these links. Set the $SHOW_HELP_LINKS variable to something other than 1


Feature Set

If your clients are giving access to the list control panel, you may want to restrict or simplify the menu choices that are available. For instance, you may not want them to be able to delete their list once logged on, since this is a feature of one of the menu items.

The set of menu items that runs down the left side of the list control panel is called the Feature Set. And can be configured by logging into any list control panel using the Mojo Root Password and clicking on the Customize Feature Set menu item. By default, this menu item will only appear when you do log into a list control panel with the Mojo Root Password.

Each menu item on the left can be turned off by unchecking it's corresponding label. What do I mean by ``turned off''?

You've essentially turned off this feature in Mojo Mail. This is the easiest way to simplify the list control panel of Mojo Mail. You can still access these features anytime you log onto a list using the Mojo Mail Root Password.

You can set what list items are active when a list is created by tweaking the $ADMIN_MENU config variable. This is actually a reference to a complex data structure, PerlSpeak for a really intricate, really cool thing. Here's a part of the $ADMIN_MENU variable:

        {-Title           => 'Send A List Message', 
                   -Title_URL       => "$MOJO_URL?flavor=send_email",
                   -Activated       => 1, 
                   -Submenu         => [{-Title     => 'Send a Web Page', 
                                                                 -Title_URL  => "$MOJO_URL?flavor=send_url_email",
                                                                 -Function   => 'send_url_email',
                                                                 -Activated  => 1},
                                                                {-Title     => 'Send a List Invitation', 
                                                                 -Title_URL  =>  "$MOJO_URL?flavor=list_invite",
                                                                 -Function   => 'list_invite',
                                                                 -Activated  => 1},

You'll see lines that state:

 -Activated       => 1,

These corresponding to menu items that are on by default. To turn them off, change this line to:

 -Activated       => 0,

If the feeling moves you, you can even rearrange the menu items, rename them by changing the -Title line instead of the -Activated line and add entries, like plugins.

Caveat: Future versions of Mojo Mail may have newer feature items or a completely different feature set. You may not know about these changes if you've tweaked your own. The best thing to do is read the changes and notes documentation, released with every new version.

Below, you'll see I've turned off a bunch of features, I'm also logged onto the list control panel with the Mojo Mail Root Password:

If I log out, and then log back in again with the regular list password, This is what the admin menu will look like:

There you have it; Mojo Mail, Lite - Or excuse me - Powermail Amazing 5000, Lite.

Change the Design of The List Control Panel

The list control panel is such an amazing opportunity to brand your company. Wouldn't it be beneficial to you to have the graphic design of the list control panel reflect the identity of your company? Take the time and create a new design for it. It may be as simple as taking an existing design, and creating an Mojo Mail Admin Template from that already existing design.

The Mojo Mail Magic Book Index

The Mojo Mail Magic book is Copyright © 2003 Justin Simoni