Mojo Mail, "Magic Book"Feedback

Mojo Mail, ``Magic Book'' Feedback

This book is an ever-evolving work. Since there is no physical, printed version, we can make speling corrections, clarifications... heck! - add whole chapters at whim.

We also want to keep this book evolving (and partly interesting), to keep the book useful, and of course, to keep you purchasing it (you knew this, even if we didn't tell ya).

Profits made from this book help the Mojo Mail project and also help the author eat on a regular basis and helps him take pretty girls on dinner dates.

Why You Want To Have An Up-To-Date Version of This Book

Mojo Mail is an ever evolving project. What started out in December of 1999 as a relatively small CGI script has spawned as a very sophisticated and complex program. It most likely will keep on evolving. Documentation this explicit tends to get out of date; it's the nature of the beast. It's not a good idea to use an old version of the documentation on a new version of the program. It's also a very good idea to keep a current version of the program.

If your company relies on Mojo Mail, continued purchase of this book keeps the program going, since the program is free and we have no plans to ever change that.

Saying that, we don't want to write what you're never going to use, so please, speak up! What topics do you want covered? Extensions/plugins bundled? We are listening very carefully.

Feedback Contact

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We'll keep track of the most popular suggestions and add as many as we can.

The Mojo Mail Magic Book Index

The Mojo Mail Magic book is Copyright © 2003 Justin Simoni