Glossary and Conventions
The file is the Configuration file, stuff you set in this file is used by Mojo Mail scripts to do their business. A configuration file is created to keep global settings available for all these scripts at once.

Variables in the file are always in ALL CAPS, which should give you a clue that these variables are global, or, used in lots of places.

Throughout this guide, we'll be referring to variables in all caps for you to change and set. These variables are always located in the file.

Variables are containers for information. They're Perl code and usually look like this:
 $variable = 'some value';
  • Global variables are in ALL CAPS and are usually set in the file

  • Variables unique to a script that you may want to change are Capitalized.

  • All other variables are usually all in lowercase.

These three conventions are just rules Mojo Mail follows and aren't something that's set in stone in Programming World.

Conventions Used

The Mojo Mail Magic Book Index

The Mojo Mail Magic book is Copyright © 2003 Justin Simoni