Hosting Recomendations

Hosting Recommendations

Many of the problems I've seen with installations of Mojo Mail are actually not the fault of the installer, rather it's the web hosting company's setup of the server. To defend some hosting companies, Mojo Mail is designed to run on many different Operating Systems and server configurations, but having a configuration similar to the one Mojo Mail is developed on, will ultimately give you a more stable installation.

Although, there are some general recommendations. First, as with everything, you usually get what you paid for. A hosting company that offers extremely low fees with oodles of space and lots of bells and whistles, accomplishes this feat by having to have a large amount of clients on huge servers. Customer service and quality suffer.

Since I'm a community-oriented fellow, I like to choose a relatively small hosting company that I know. I've worked with my hosting company for five years and I'm nothing but thrilled. Their prices are a little higher, but their customer service is stellar. My customer service cries for help are always answered by one of the owners of the company. You cannot beat this.

Server Setup

The server setup I like is partly my opinion and others may argue a different way. It's also what I'm used to, but it doesn't hurt to ask what is available to you. The more, quality things available to you, the better off that you are.

The Mojo Mail Magic Book Index

The Mojo Mail Magic book is Copyright © 2003 Justin Simoni