

This little book is meant for Web Designers and Developers who want to use Mojo Mail for solving problems. It's filled with good advice and insight on the program. We'll be a getting a bit technical, and it does help to have some sort of background in at least setting up CGI scripts and web stuff in general. Specifically, you're comfortable fiddling around with hosting accounts, have a good FTP client, text editor and know the fundamentals of a Unix command line. Even if you're a designer, you should have these skills. You're reading something and will be fiddling with a program (Mojo Mail) written by a Art Student, so there are no excuses.

This book is not meant for the casual user of the script, but if that's you, you're more than welcome to read along.

This book also comes along with documentation on extensions and plugins to Mojo Mail that aren't available for free. We don't release them, since we don't have the time to freely support them, but there here for you, the semi-pro/pro developer/designer you are - because, well, we think you can handle it.

The Mojo Mail Magic Book Index

The Mojo Mail Magic book is Copyright © 2003 Justin Simoni