Before Asking For Help

Mojo Mail is released under the GNU Public License. Among other things, it means that there isn't any official support given for the script. It's one of the comprimised that you give for a program released for free. But, as a community, support for the program can be created.

If you're having problems with Mojo Mail, make sure you have the latest stable version. Mojo Mail distributions are hosted by Source Forge. You can see all the files that are available here:

The latest stable version will most likely be listed on the Mojo Mail download page:

Depending on what you use Mojo Mail for, you may want to at least try out an alpha or beta version. In a production environment, it's better to stick to ``stable'' releases. That's not to say stable releases have any less bugs in them, it's more like it's known what the bugs (and workarounds) are.

If you're following a bug and want to know when it has been fixed, it's best to check the changelog:

If a bug you're experiencing has been fixed, await the release of a stable version, or risk using a development version.

Other Resources to Check Before Asking For Help

The Error Faq

The Release Notes

This will have incompatibilities, if any, between versions, as well as any ``gotchas''

What Information You Should Have When Asking For Help

The Version of Mojo Mail

It's very very important to know what version of the program you're using. The differences between even small version increases can be dramatic. The version of Mojo Mail is stored in the $VER variable.

What program/script is giving you the error

Mojo Mail is composed of many different scripts. Most of what goes on happens in the main mojo.cgi script and, if you don't install any plugins or extensions, that's all you have to worry about. It's a good idea to specifically say what script is giving you the problem.

Your Server Setup

Different servers can give you different problems. If you think this is relevent, post the relevant information. if you don't know anything about your server, try installing a script, like this one:

To help.

What Browser You're Using

Even though Mojo Mail is a server-based program, differences in browsers may cause problems in formatting. Information you should be able to view may be hidden, or various browser technologies could be malfunctioning (example: cookies) Mojo is mostly developed on Mac OS X using IE 5.2 and Mozilla.

What Mail Reader You're Using

If you're having problems with the format of emails you're sending, it may be the mail reader that's causing the problems. Different mail readers render complex messages differently. Mojo is mostly developed using Entourage X.

Logged Errors

Before reporting errors, find out if any of the errors were logged by Mojo Mail or your server. Mojo can set its own error log. You may find that the error message is enough of a hint to help you out. If not, it might be enough for someone else to help. Copy and Paste the relevant log snippets with any help you ask.

Finding Error Logs

Where To Get Help

It's best not to ask the developer (meaning me) for help right off the bat. Support questions take time away from development of the program itself and possibly fixing the problems found. The following resources are places that I use myself to answer questions and give support. It's much better to answer a question once than to have to answer it a million times.

If you do email me personally and don't get a reply, please don't feel like you've been forgotten, it's just not a very good way to ask support q's about the program. I hope you can imagine how much e-mail I receive a day. I am presently a full time student and I try to have my various projects/lives conflict as little as possible with each other.

Try to search for the same problem you're having in the below resources before starting a new thread:

Mailing Lists currently hosts discussion lists on Mojo Mail:

Discussion Forums

MojoHelp hosts a discussion forum about Mojo Mail:

Filling Out a Bug Report

Bug Reports are very much welcome, as the resources I have to test are limited. Bug reports can be filled out here:

Please put the version of Mojo Mail that you're using in the subject of the bug report, it really helps. If a bug is already reported, don't report it again, but if you can add anything to the previous report, that's just fine.

Be A Part of the Support Community

If you do see a problem posted that you know the solution to, feel free to put your two cents in!