IM Commands |
.rmproxy |
remove current im proxy. im proxy is in its beta stages. |
.proxy screenname |
starts an instant message proxy. what ever you send to bot, bot will send to screenname; likewise, what ever is sent to bot from that screenname is sent to you. im proxy is in its beta stages. |
.commands |
returns the url where this command reference can be found. |
.block screenname |
blocks screenname. this is a 'local' block, and screenname isn't block on the server. |
.8ball question |
bot ansers question in the style of the classic 8 ball. |
.info text |
sets bots information to the text specified. |
.teach word_trigger,response text |
teach bot to respond to certain words. |
.phrase |
returns a random phrase from phrases.txt. |
.addphrase text |
adds text to phrases.txt. |
.md5 text |
returns the md5 hash of text. |
.ppl |
lists the screennames bot has encountered. |
.lastspoke screen name |
returns the date/time of the last time bot heard screen name talk. |
.seen screen name |
returns the date/time bot last saw screen name. |
.v |
version information. |
.raw data |
send raw data to server. |
.idle number |
idle bot for number of seconds. becomes non-responsive for number of seconds. |
.warn screenname, number |
warn screenname number of times (if number is left out, it will warn once) |
.im screenname, message |
send instant message to screenname with message. |
.listrooms |
lists rooms bot is currently in. format: room_text:room_id, not yet |
.getroom room |
gets the room numeric id for room name |
.join room |
tells bot to join room. |
.invite screenname, room |
invites screenname to room, not yet |
.die |
kills bot |
.addmaster screenname |
adds screenname to bots master list. |
.stats |
gets the bots current statistics. ie: im's sent, errors messages, etc. |
.leave room |
make bot leave room. |
.away message |
sets bot as away, with optional away message |
.leet text |
converts text to its 'leet speak' version. :\ |
.sleep number |
make bot sleep for number of seconds. bot dosn't respond to ANYTHING while sleeping. |
User Commands (anyone thats that a master) |
!stats |
gets the bots current statistics. ie: ims' sent, errors messages, etc. |
!commands |
returns the url where this command reference can be found. |
!8ball question |
bot answers question in the style of the classic 8 ball. |
!leet text |
bot returns 'leetish' version of text. |
!seen screenname |
returns the last time bot saw screenname. |
!lastspoke screenname |
returns the last time bot saw screenname and tells what they said. |
Chat Commands |
.chat BotScreenname |
Enables/Disables chat messages for BotScreenname. |
.leave BotScreenname |
Make BotScreenname leave current chat. |
.teach word_trigger,response text |
teach bot to respond to certain words. |
.leet text |
bot returns 'leetish' version of text. |
.ppl |
bot returns a list of people its seen. |
.seen screenname |
returns the last time bot saw screenname. |
.lastspoke screenname |
returns the last time bot saw screenname and tells what they said. |
.8ball question |
bot answers question in the style of the classic 8 ball. |
User Commands (anyone thats that a master) |
!stats |
gets the bots current statistics. ie: im's sent, errors messages, etc. |
!8ball question |
bot answers question in the style of the classic 8 ball. |
!leet text |
bot returns 'leetish' version of text. |
!seen screenname |
returns the last time bot saw screenname. |
!lastspoke screenname |
returns the last time bot saw screenname and tells what they said. |